The last time he played was over two months ago. Also regardless of what he says, I think he's abandoned the playthrough. It's not bad but he hasn't reacted to the game in a very satisfying way. Sadly the only "let's play" of Fallout 4 with a facecam AND it being a twitch vod that I've found is Lobosjr's playthrough. FALLOUT NEW VEGAS 092: DAS THORN Lets Play Fallout New Vegas. Most of the time it's entertaining to see the twitch chat reacting to the streamers reactions during a blind playthrough. Lastly I actually like it if it's a twitch vod and they have their twitch chat on screen.

I prefer to actually see their reactions. It also helps imo if they have a facecam.

Most sound fake, don't take the game seriously and ruin serious/emotional moments, or their videos are too short (not a huge deal but I prefer longer videos). Originally posted by Spent Casing:Can't stand any of them Sorry for the necro but I often try to find good blind fallout 4 playthroughs to watch but I also can't stand (most of) them.